A novel
Genocide Decentralized is my first foray into Science Fiction and fiction.
The novel is set in Africa in 2080.
It has been described as "House of Cards in Wakanda".
Murder, Drugs, Sex, Betrayal and Liquid Democracy. This is the story of the global superpower ARA - African Royal Alliances. The year is 2080 and ARA is in the grips of multiple political revolutions, numerous individuals and organizations all vie for power over The Union - a DAO powered by a Super Artificial Intelligence Algorithm that runs the state via a system of Liquid Democracy. ARA is a prosperous abundant union of nations and principalities saturated with mind-boggling technology, Artificial Intelligence Companions, Floating Cities, cocaine sniffing evil pink dolphins, Politicians who also happen to be professional wrestlers and advances that make life ferociously easy - all basic human needs are taken care
of. The book explores the lives of three dynamic politically ambitious ARA citizens, all have different motivations, ambitions, and backgrounds however they all want the same thing: to weaponize Liquid Democracy for their own personal ends.
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